Enterprise-grade carbon management

Manage all things carbon in one trusted platform built for control, accuracy, and transparency.

Measure & track

Seamless data import

Say goodbye to complex Excel spreadsheets by instantly importing data into our platform via ERP systems integration. You can also simply upload .csv files using our templates and correct errors with a single click. No more hassle from manual error correction.

Granular emissions insights

Our platform lets you take strategic, data-driven actions. Gain insights on emissions hotspots and trends with robust, intuitive visualizations. View detailed charts for informed decision-making, and access benchmark analyses to understand your performance in relation to competitors. 

Granular emissions

Reliable data quality

Improve your data accuracy and integrity with workflows for upload approvals, data quality improvement, and supplier engagement—all powered by an engine designed for accuracy.

AI-powered, certified methodology

Free up your team’s time for work that truly creates an impact. We use AI on our platform to speed up manual tasks while retaining precision, from accurately interpreting data to assigning the best emissions factors, leaving room for human review where it matters.

Scientifically based and reflects the state of the art

Extensible to meet your needs

Portfolio Module

Integrate emissions insights and climate risk exposure into your investment strategies. Track your financed emissions by streamlining the process of data collection and emissions measurement from your portfolio companies.

Supplier Module

Improve your emissions accuracy with granular supplier data related to purchased goods and services. Identify suppliers that contribute most to your emissions, send data requests, review submissions, and ask for revisions when needed.


Automated emissions reporting

Generate an editable summary report of your emissions containing actionable insights for informed decision-making. Ideal for communicating your climate impact during internal presentations and stakeholder updates.

Climate risk disclosures

Simplify your sustainability reporting with our guided process, starting with support for TCFD and ISSB (coming soon). Quickly understand what is material to your report, including climate risks based on your sector and value chain. Automatically fill in emissions information with existing data from our platform.

Built with climate expertise at its core

Our team is composed of not just technology experts, but also experienced sustainability consultants who play a big role in shaping the platform. Our consultants also provide proactive advisory and support throughout your journey, so you get the best of tech and people.


Target setting and tracking

Set clear, long-term goals and interim goals to navigate your decarbonization journey. Visualize your progress and future direction with automatically adjusted forecasts. Model pathway scenarios and track your progress toward your climate goals.

Target setting and tracking

Bespoke decarbonization solutions

Choose from a range of decarbonization solutions tailored to your business needs. Compare the cost, impact, and complexity of each solution, and customize your decarbonization plan using detailed sustainability and financial insights. All solutions are informed by the expertise of our decarbonization team.

Bespoke solutions

Aggregated with your own solutions

Import your existing decarbonization initiatives and add them to your decarbonization plan  along with our recommended solutions. This approach enables you to track the progress of your decarbonization efforts holistically.

Aggregated with your own solutions

Built for enterprise requirements and workflows

Our platform is designed to meet the unique and complex needs of enterprises.

Enterprise security image

Enterprise security

Experience enterprise-grade data security with our platform, certified by ISO 27001, guaranteeing that the highest security standards are in place to safeguard your critical data.

Enterprise workflow image

Enterprise workflows

Streamline collaboration across your organization with customized data gathering, review, and approval workflows, and benefit from multi-tiered user management system and audit trails.

See the platform in action